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Lesiones del Parque de Atracciones de Orlando

Visitar un parque temático está lleno de divertidas experiencias. Con la comida, paseos, familia y amigos, una visita al parque de atracciones nunca se espera que como resultado usted salga con una lesión.

Con su tema único y promesa de aventura, no es de extrañar que los parques de diversiones de acogida durante todo el año a millones de visitantes de todo el mundo. Con tantos visitantes, los parques de diversiones tienen la responsabilidad de mantener a sus parques, paseos y otras atracciones de entretenimiento seguro para todos.

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Call the Benenati Law Firm Today

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We Have The Awards

The Benenati Law Firm has received numerous awards and recognitions over the years for our legal services. These include, but are not limited to, recognition from Avvo, Super Lawyers, Florida Legal Elite, and The National Advocates Top Lawyers.

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Walter Benenati - Distinguished Justice Advocates Top %1 Attorneys In America/USA - Personal Injury Attorney In Orlando, Florida
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Free Consultation

Whether you have suffered a serious injury because of another’s negligence, or you are suffocating under mountains of debt, a consultation with the Benenati Law Firm may prove to be extremely advantageous. We encourage you to call our offices today at 407-777-7777, or fill out our online form to request your free, no-obligation, and completely confidential case consultation. If you are unable to travel to our location during our office hours, we offer after-hours and home visits for your convenience, too.