We take the time to learn about our clients, their financial situation, and work with them to prevent them from repeating financial mistakes in the future

At The Benenati Law Firm, Credit Attorney, P.A., our work does not stop after you case is over. We will review your credit reports in order to verify that they are accurate three months after an Orlando bankruptcy case is completed.

Additionally, All bill collectors or lawyers that have been harassing you for debt collection will be forwarded to us the day you hire us when providing an initial down payment retainer. We instruct creditors to direct all communication to our office.

This is our commitment to you and your family. The Benenati Law Firm is the largest filer of bankruptcies in Central Florida and has been the second largest filer of bankruptcies in the state of Florida since 2011. Let our experience work for you. Take a brief moment of your time to call our office right now for a free consultation. It takes courage to ask for help. But calling for help is the hardest part of this process. We will make sure we do everything we can to help you. This is our commitment to you and your family.