Businesses and consumers in Casselberry rely on large trucks for the daily delivery of goods and products, and as such, large trucks can often be seen on the main highways surrounding the city, including U.S. Highway 17-92 and others. Unfortunately, these larger vehicles present a significant risk of serious damages when an accident occurs.

At The Benenati Law Firm, our Casselberry truck accident attorney can help you if you or a loved one has been seriously harmed in a large truck collision. We know how to fight for our clients and recover fair settlements.

We Fight for Your Right to Damages

When a truck and a smaller passenger vehicle collide, the damages are often severe. To be sure, those involved in a truck accident may suffer:

  • High medical expenses that total tens of thousands of dollars, threaten bankruptcy and financial ruin, and leave a victim concerned about their economic future;
  • Lost wages as a result of an inability to return to work as a direct result of the injuries suffered in the truck accident, compromising an individual’s ability to support themselves or their loved ones moving forward; and
  • Tragic injuries that leave the victim with physical pain and suffering, emotional anguish, disability, and a diminished quality of life.

A person involved in a truck accident may also suffer ongoing and future costs associated with their injury, property damage costs, and other expenses. Our lawyers believe that the victim of a truck accident deserves to be compensated for all of their economic and noneconomic losses, and we won’t back down until we reach a fair settlement agreement.